Grant's Vanilla Custard enjoys a stellar reputation. The eponymous Grant quit his previous job so that he could concentrate on producing and distributing the juice full time. Such was the demand. He began simply enough, only eight months ago as of the writing of this review, mixing a liquid for his own personal use because he was sick of waiting for his favourite juice to be in stock. He shared it with his friends and word of mouth did the rest. Not only is Grant's Vanilla Custard exceedingly delicious, his customer service is second to none. This is a man who is Passionate (with a capital P) about his product and in this day and age of the cynical drive to turn a buck (or a quid) that is a rare thing. On the forums, stories abound of the drawings he sends to his customers with their orders. Apparently, people are now requesting drawings with their orders. He sends an information and instruction sheet with each order. See below. How many other e-liquid cooks or vendors do that? He really wants you to love his Vanilla Custard e-liquid as much as he does. Grant's Vanilla Custard, or GVC as it's affectionately known hereabouts, is so popular that he often has to close his website down and stop taking orders while he clears the backlog. Can you tell how much respect I have for the man?
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GVC is available in 10 (£5.00), 30 (£12.00), 50 (£20.00) and 100ml (£39) bottles and at nicotine strengths of 2, 6, 12, 18, and 24mg, except for the 10ml sampler bottle which is only available in 18mg. The PG/VG ratio is 50/50 which provides a nice balance between flavour delivery and vapour production. Also available is a VG heavy mix at nicotine strengths of 6, 12, and 18mg.
The bottles are a clear, easily squeezed plastic with childproof screw top lids. The label features an ingredients list, the PG/VG ratio, nicotine strength, a warning graphic and a tactile triangle sticker which complies with EU law for the sale and storage of toxic substances. To my eye, the colour of the liquid comes closest to Spanish Orange. Higher nicotine
content turns the liquid a darker, ruddy hue. The aroma of the liquid in the bottle is a very close match to the taste and perfume of the vapour.
A few nights ago I had Bread and Butter Pudding with chilled vanilla custard for desert. As I ate it I paid particular attention to the flavour of the custard and I couldn't help but compare it to the GVC I'd been vaping for a few days beforehand. The custard was delicious but the intensity of flavour was somewhat dull compared to what I'd become accustomed to in vaping GVC.
I'm vaping the juice in an Igo-L on a mechanical mod with an 18650 battery that is several hours off a full charge. Grant discourages vaping the juice in a Vivi Nova as apparently it endows the vapour with an unpleasant taste. He had a houseguest at one stage who tried the juice in a Nova on a variable voltage device. Despite dialling the voltage all the way up and down the range, the Nova was inadequate to the task of delivering the intended flavour. Mesh wicks also tend to impart a somewhat unpleasant "burnt" quality to the flavour. Silica wicks seem to be most sympathetic to the juice.
The sample I'm using is 12mg nicotine strength with a PG/VG ratio of 50/50 and has steeped with the lid off in a darkened corner of my bookcase for the recommended period of 21 days. The immediate sensation as I draw on the device is a rush of intense sweetness on the forward edge of my tongue and at the back of my throat, which settles quickly into a more moderate sweetness as I continue to inhale, hold and exhale. The unmistakeable taste of vanilla custard begins immediately and lingers as aftertaste well beyond the exhalation. The vapour is saturated with the taste of vanilla and is supported by the creaminess of egg yolk. There are secondary notes of what might be nutmeg and although there's no caramel in the liquid (apparently) I am registering it's presence on the insides of my cheeks. Perhaps this is the sweetener cooking on the coil.
Throat hit is significant which surprises me considering this is only a 12mg juice and vapour production is excellent with thick, billowing clouds of vapour settling into pleasant veils around the room.
Let me reiterate, in conclusion that this is a very fine e-liquid created by a man with a great passion for what he does. It's very popular and deservedly so. If you find that his website is down when you go to order it, be patient. Grant will be busy mixing, steeping and filling orders for his loyal fan base. His website will be up again in no time, and when it is, get your order in and prepare your taste buds for a treat.